Hair Restoration

About Hair Loss

“Why am I losing my hair?”

You're asking a very important question that needs to be answered before the right treatment plan can be recommended. As Dermatologic Specialists in the causes and treatment of alopecia (hair loss), the specialists are now uniquely qualified to diagnose the cause of your hair loss before recommending your treatment program.

Male & Female Pattern Balding

Male and female pattern balding is the most common type of hair loss and is an inherited condition. It is known as androgenetic alopecia.

Other Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be exacerbated by a number of other factors, including thyroid imbalance, low iron count, hormone imbalance, etc. Other types of hair loss include:

1. Alopecia areata (AA) is a recurring disease that can cause loss of hair in any hair-bearing area. The most common type will appear as round or oval patches of hair loss, most noticeably on the scalp or eyebrows, and body hair may also be affected.
2. Traction alopecia is caused by chronic pulling on the hair follicle, and is seen not uncommonly in the wearing of turbans or certain hairstyles.
3. Scarring alopecia can occur when scar tissue replaces destroyed normal tissue. This can be from Lupus Erythematosus, Scleroderma, or infectious agents such as bacterial folliculitis and fungal infections.
4. Telogen effluvium is a temporary but rapid exacerbation of the normal hair shedding cycle. It can occur after childbirth, febrile illness, or sudden weight loss.

Approximately 51% of the population is affected by the most common cause for hair loss - called androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern balding).
If your surgeon diagnoses you have androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern balding), your treatment options are:
1. Use a hair system
2. Hair transplantation
3. Drug treatment
4. Do nothing
The inconvenience and time involved to hide thinning hair can become frustrating. More importantly, hair loss can lead to social embarrassment, professional pressures and a lowered sense of self-esteem. If this is what you are feeling, it’s time to do something about it.